Find Yourself a Hobby

In my last post, I’ve talked about places you should go in the summer time without spending money on a plane trip. Well, one of the choices was to do your favorite hobby. Didn’t see my last post? Check it out here!

Some of you are having troubles finding a hobby, or finding a hobby that you will enjoy and keep for a long time. I have came up with some ideas for hobbies that some of you would like, and if you don’t, you can always contact us if you need help with more ideas.

1. Card Making

I’m not sure if all of you (even the boys + men) are into card making, but you can use this hobby as a living, as well! You can buy special paper for the cards, stamps and stuff like that. It’s not really cheap for the supplies, but for me personally, it’s pretty worth it.

2. Blogging!

Just like Sam, Emma and I have. Our hobby is blogging; you can make a pretty easy personal blog with Word press or Blogger. For me personally, Blogger is much easier to use, and not that over-whelming. But, you can decide on which one, depending on your style. You can blog about anything; sports, latest celebrity gossip, cooking recipes, schooling, arts, or just do journalism just like us ( A few competitors wont hurt a bit )

3. Making Crafts

Kinda like number one (card making) but with this hobby you can craft anything, not only cards.  You can make lots of things! Just search up ‘Crafting Ideas’

4. Create Your Own Stories

Creating our own story is a pretty cool hobby to me. I enjoy making our very own story ‘A Story of Hope…Hope Callies’. You can view the story here. You can create a funny story, depressing, happy, exciting or sad story! There are truthfully endless possibilities in story making. Or, if you don’t like writing and your more of a drawing person, you can create comics! And better yet, if you feel like it, you can create your own blog about your stories/comics.

5. Create Your Own Accessories

You can create your own accessories! Either it’s fashion accessories, or accessories for your phone! Honestly, I wonder why I never did think of that hobby before….

Sorry that’s it mostly all girl hobbies… but if your a boy looking for a new hobby.. just contact us here. We will respond ASAP. Anyways, I hope I helped you with this post, and finding a hobby that fits you best!
